River Festival 2019
As part of this years river festival Branch 5 sent two boats and a tug of war team down to New Brighton to take part in the event.

There was one boat on the waters of marine lake, with some brave members demonstrating their low visibility diving skills, and another on the side with other club members collecting for the RNLI and selling try dives.

A big thanks to Chester SAC for jumping in at the last minute to take part in the tug of war. The best of three pulls was close but the practice Branch 5 gained against the RNLI at New Year paid off and they took the day 2-0. Hopefully the edge was taken off the defeat by the food laid on back at the clubhouse for everyone.

Thanks to everyone from the club who gave up their time to to take part and to collect for the RNLI. Update to follow on the amount raised.