Chartwork and Position Fixing SDC December 2018

Chartwork and Position Fixing SDC
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th December 2018

This weekends Chartwork and Position Fixing SDC was a fantastic success. All those who attended really enjoyed the course put together by Gary Bolland and Geoff Oldfield.

Along with Gary and Geoff, Alan Jones, Alistair Reynolds, Stuart Langley, and Tony Fitz were also on hand to give lectures on Nautical Charts, Position Fixing, Tides, Locating Dive Sites and Passage Planning.

As well as the lectures there were plenty of practical exercises Gary had put together to put the theory into practice and building towards a usable voyage plan.

Geoff also gave us a demonstration of an amazing piece of software from Neptune Navigation, which for just over £100 gives access to all the UK charts, tides and many wreck sites details. Click here for more details.

Unfortunately the weather prevented us from taking the boats out on the river for the water based part of the course so this has been put off until Sunday 7th April.

Everyone who attended the course would like to thank all the instructors for giving up their weekend and passing on their extensive knowledge of all the subjects covered. Its great to have this about of experience available to club members.

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