Category: Training Events

Club Training Events

Training Day – July 2023

A great day was had by all today at Eccy Delph for the ADM practice for the SD trainees. Also we had some OD training taking place. Weather wasn’t always on our side but...

SDC – Mixed Gas Blender – May 2023

Date: 20 & 21 May 2023 Lead Instructor: Alistair Reynolds Cost: £5 club contribution plus training packHard copy (printed) N/ADigital copy £24.37 Booking: To register, add your name below. If you need any assistance...

SDC – Boat Handling – March 2023

Date: 18 & 19 March 2023 Lead Instructor: Alan Jones Cost: £5 club contribution plus training packHard copy (printed) £52Digital copy £37.87 Booking: To register, add your name to the booking form on the...

Practical Rescue Management Feb 2022

The branch finally managed to complete another one of the outstanding Skill Development Courses that had been postponed due to the Covid pandemic. So on February 13th, a group of eager students and instructors...

Chartwork and Position Fixing Course

The Major will be running a Chartwork and Position Fixing course over the weekend of the 22nd/23rd January 2021. The Saturday being classroom based on theoretical navigation. The Sunday, (weather permitting) will be with...

Boat Handling Course September 2021

Boat Handling Course – Informative and Thrilling Day 1: Information Overload What do you do at the weekend? Maybe go shopping, go for a walk or in our case scuba diving. Yet one weekend...

Bathymetry Lecture

Last week our very own Ray Cramer added a very interesting lecture on Bathymetry to the ongoing series of lockdown lectures presented by BSAC. For those of you that don’t know, bathymetry is the...

Club Zoom Sessions

With the club being shutdown at present because of Covid 19 our training team have taken to the internet to provide lectures via Zoom video conferencing for all who are interested. So far they...

Gas Blending SDC March 2020

Nitrox Gas Blender / Mixed Gas Blender SDC Alistair Reynolds ran another excellent, and well attended Gas Blending SDC last weekend, helped by Steve McElroy, Terry Maloney and Alan Jones. The course started on...

AED Course April 2019

BSAC Automated External Defibrillator SDC This club night Chris Woods again ran the excellent AED course for first timers and as a refresher for those members who had done it before. This is a...