Karting Night – Feb 2023

A great night was had by all on Saturday night at Team Sport in Liverpool. Big thanks to John Dunne for organising and wearing a very fetching Pink race suite. We had a really good turn out with so many we had to split into two groups. Some great racing as well as some very ‘competitive’ driving seeing quite a few drivers black flagged and having to go to the pits for a telling off!

At the end of the evening Martin Campbell and Kelly Baird took the honors in the two group final races and after a good laugh everyone headed off into town for a few beers and a plenty of discussions over tactics.

The Green Group. 3rd John Dunne, 2nd Mike Mansell and 1st Martin Campbell.
The Yellow Group. 3rd Robbie Edwards, 2nd Alex Naylor and 1st Kelly Baird.

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