News Letter April 2020
Chairman’s Letter April 2020

Hello everybody as we are about to enter our second week of Corona isolation. I know that many of you, including me, are jut itching to get wet but without trying to sugar coat events it is clear that this is going to be a long haul. Just how long is uncertain at the moment and I think it will be 2 to 4 weeks before we can assess the trajectory of the virus in the UK. Then, of course, it would be a mistake to think that things will return to normal over night, but rather the roll back from lock-down will take several weeks. So what does this mean to the club, well for sure, the club will remain closed throughout April, by which time the picture should be much clearer. There will also be a Committee Meeting via Zoom conferencing on Monday, 20th. April, when with a fair wind we may be able to start to plan for the future. In the short term this means that the Boat Handling SDC, the Anglesey weekend at the begging of May and the Pembroke trip at the end of May are all postponed as well as anything in-between. Actually, truth to told, I recently bought a set of electric hair clippers last week and if you saw the state of my head you would quickly realise how necessary it is for the club to remain shut!
The summer bash at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club is set for the Saturday, 20th. June and at the very least Dave Edwards and I are hoping to use this event to relaunch the life of the club. Should this prove to be the case then I can imagine it turning into one ‘bad arse’ night. So if it’s any consolation you will be getting wet again just as the viz improves.
Turning to other matters, can I thank everybody for their best wishes following Val’s operation for breast cancer. Last Friday she received the all clear from the surgeon and her progress is such that she requires no further treatment. On the down side, one of our brethren, Peter Cheesewright, is now waiting to go into hospital for an operation on his pancreas. He knows that your thoughts and prayers are with him as he waits for a bed and I will let you how he progresses.
As I am writing this letter, I have just heard on the radio that the Government are now speaking of a 12/13 weeks self isolation period depending on how well we keep away from each other. This is indeed a rather grim prospect which for some may prove difficult to handle, although I am aware of a number of video conferencing groups springing up which will provide some relief. We are all in this together folks and the club is here to support you if needs be and that help is only a telephone call away. Do feel free to ring me anytime.
In terms of those currently undergoing training then I can tell you that your Training Officers that is Chris Wood, Steve Mills and Terry Maloney are currently investigating the prospect of delivering theory session on line. Watch this space.
That it folks for the moment and I will keep you updated at this dreadful situation develops.
Alan Jones