Category: Newletters

Club Newsletters

Chairman’s Letter May 2022

Hi Folks, Diving season is well and truly upon us, we’ve had trips to the bay, the Isle of Man and Anglesey, and there are trips planned to Malta, Bridlington, Pembroke and Cyprus, plus many...

Chairman’s Letter February 2022

Hello folks,  That’s Christmas and New Year done, and hopefully now we’re getting back to normal. Just a quick update on things In the club.  We have a lot of training going on, and all...

Chairman’s Christmas Letter 2021

Well folks, Christmas is nearly upon us and we are looking forward to safe and happy diving in the new year. First and foremost, I’d like to once again thank the Committee members that have...

Chairman’s Letter October 2021

The Chairman’s Last Post Hello everybody……….Well the time has almost come for me to slope off into the sunset having performed the role of Chairman for 8 out of the last 10 years.  It...

Chairman’s Letter September 2021

Hello everybody…………….Just a quick note following last week’s committee meeting.  Firstly, it was resolved to reduce the towing levy from 50p to 40p across the board and will come in effect after the current crop...

Chairman’s Letter August 2021

Hello everybody…………………..It only seems like yesterday that I was talking about the beginning of the diving season and here we are drawing towards the end.  August, in particular, was an extremely busy months with...

Chairman’s Letter July 2021

Hello everybody……………Well D Day (19th. July 2021) arrived last Monday which means that the club house can now resume as normal, so it will be good to see you all again and, of course,...

Chairman’s Letter June 2021

Hello everybody……………..The Covid virus is still taking its toll on diving opportunities, particularly in respect of foreign travel.  However, whilst we remain in uncertain times it is great to report that the diving season...

Chairman’s Letter April 2021

Hello everybody……………The big news of the day is that the club has recently received a second government grant for just over £10,000 to help us restart our activities.  Obviously, this is most welcome considering...

Chairman’s Letter February 2021

Hello everybody……………Following last night’s committee meeting I thought I would give you a quick update over the reopening of the club.  Following the announcement of Boris last Monday we think the order of events...

News Letter April 2020

Chairman’s Letter April 2020 Hello everybody as we are about to enter our second week of Corona isolation.   I know that many of you, including me, are jut itching to get wet but without...

News Letter March 2020

Chairman’s Letter – March 2020     Here we are almost at the beginning of March and the foul weather shows no sign of abating.  However, since I last wrote to you we have...

News Letter January 2020

Chairman’s Letter – January 2020 Here we are again at the beginning of yet another diving year, which in my case is gathering pace towards the 50 year mark.  This letter is really to...

News Letter September 2019

Chairman’s Letter – September 2019 Here we are folks approaching the end of another diving season and for sure the time has flown, probably because there has been so much going on down the...

News Letter July 2019

Chairman’s Letter Hello Again Folks……….News just off the press is that the Club Annual Dinner will be on Saturday, 26th. October 2019 at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club.  Now this is a fortnight earlier than...

News Letter May 2019

Chairman’s Letter Hello Again Folks…..Let me move straight on with further ado to the most pressing matter that is Dave Edward’s ‘Summer Bash’at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club, on Saturday, 8th.  June 2019.  Whilst the...

Newsletter January 2019

Chairman’s Letter Happy New Year everybody and welcome to the start of yet another year of diving with Branch 5; could be as rasper!  We are barely two weeks into the New Year, but...

Newsletter October 2018

  Chairman’s Letter Just tell me folks where has this year gone and here I am yet another year younger! So, what is on the Agenda? Well firstly there is the AGM on Thursdays,...