Annual Awards Evening – November 2022

It was another very successful dinner dance and awards evening this this year, held yet again at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club. There was a great turn out with nearly a hundred members, partners, family members and friends enjoying themselves. After drinks and introductions there was the usual meal supplied by Alleycats, followed by more drinks, a lengthy prize draw and then the awards.

This year Steve Mills was awarded Diver of the Year in recognition of all the hard work put over many years behind the scenes and for having completed his cave 1 course.

Steve Mills – Diver of the Year

The Andy Marshall memorial trophy for trainee of the year went to Wendy Pretlove.

Wendy Pretlove – Trainee of the Year

There was a special club award this year to Steve McElroy for all his work over many years, especially with training.

Steve McElroy – Special Award

Next were awards for this years diving achievements. Quite a few this year thanks to the massive efforts of the training officers, Steve McElroy, Terry Maloney and Steve Mills as well as the many instructors who have given up lots of their time this year.

Wendy Pretlove – Ocean Diver
Phil Hughes – Ocean Diver
Jourdan McSweeney – Ocean Diver
Ange Coggins – Ocean Diver
Phil Coggins – Ocean Diver
Chris Gould – Ocean Diver
Chris Mills – Dive Leader

This year, the Golden Egg award for the biggest laugh of the year went to Ange Coggins for her attempts to get out of the water after a shore dive in Porth Dafarch this year.

After a really enjoyable evening, some dodgy dancing and as a result of raffles and auctions just short of £2000 was raised for the club. A very big thanks need to go to Vince Clegg and Graeme Cooper of all their efforts in organising the evening.

This years team of table servers

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