Author: Chris Mills

Holyhead August 2022

Ray Cramer is planning a trip to Holyhead in August this year for technically qualified divers only. This trip is to dive on a specific new mark which Ray has found. Reported length 24m,...

Malta June 2022

The Major is running a trip to Malta this year commencing Saturday 18th June and returning Saturday 25th June. The diving will be with Alan and Viv Whitehead who run Divewise in St Julian’s...

Fishguard June 2022

Ray Cramer is planning a four day dive trip to Fishguard for the Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend. The plan is to use the Fishguard slipway with a primary objective to dive on a...

Holyhead April 2022

Ray Cramer is organising a trip to Holyhead on 9th & 10th of April this year. This is for Dive Leaders and above to investigate a mark lying at approx 38m. Reported with length...

Practical Rescue Management Feb 2022

The branch finally managed to complete another one of the outstanding Skill Development Courses that had been postponed due to the Covid pandemic. So on February 13th, a group of eager students and instructors...

Chairman’s Letter February 2022

Hello folks,  That’s Christmas and New Year done, and hopefully now we’re getting back to normal. Just a quick update on things In the club.  We have a lot of training going on, and all...

Chairman’s Christmas Letter 2021

Well folks, Christmas is nearly upon us and we are looking forward to safe and happy diving in the new year. First and foremost, I’d like to once again thank the Committee members that have...

Chartwork and Position Fixing Course

The Major will be running a Chartwork and Position Fixing course over the weekend of the 22nd/23rd January 2021. The Saturday being classroom based on theoretical navigation. The Sunday, (weather permitting) will be with...

Special Christmas Club Evening

Bel and Katie will be hosting a special Christmas club night on 23rd December. Doors open as usual at 7pm with the fun starting at 7.30pm. There will be food, a raffle, an auction...

Majors Late Xmas Bash

The Major is once again organising his late Christmas Bash. This years will be held at the Irby Mill on Saturday 18th December. The participation list is up on the club notice board but...

Chairman’s Letter October 2021

The Chairman’s Last Post Hello everybody……….Well the time has almost come for me to slope off into the sunset having performed the role of Chairman for 8 out of the last 10 years.  It...

Dinner Dance and Awards Evening 2021

It was another very successful dinner dance and awards evening this this year, held again at Birkenhead Park Rugby Club. This year attended by well over a hundred members, partners, family members and friends....

Boat Handling Course September 2021

Boat Handling Course – Informative and Thrilling Day 1: Information Overload What do you do at the weekend? Maybe go shopping, go for a walk or in our case scuba diving. Yet one weekend...

Chairman’s Letter September 2021

Hello everybody…………….Just a quick note following last week’s committee meeting.  Firstly, it was resolved to reduce the towing levy from 50p to 40p across the board and will come in effect after the current crop...

Mersey Swim 2021

Branch 5 helped out last Sunday by providing three safety boats for this years Across the Mersey Swim. Both Club Boats, including the new 6.5m Humber, joined Club Chairman Alan Jones’s boat and several...

Chairman’s Letter August 2021

Hello everybody…………………..It only seems like yesterday that I was talking about the beginning of the diving season and here we are drawing towards the end.  August, in particular, was an extremely busy months with...

Plymouth August 2021 Trip Report

So August Bank Holiday came around again and that meant that a group of twelve divers from the branch were going to make their way down to Plymouth for three days diving with In...

Scapa Flow August 2021 Trip Report

After having our original trip to Scapa Flow cancelled the day before we left in 2020 and deciding not to go on the re-organised trip we weren’t expecting to be on this one. But...

Tough Mudder 2021

On the 1st of August this year the Mersey Divers Team took part in the Yorkshire Classic Tough Mudder to raise funds for the club and also to donate to the RNLI. Tough Mudder...